Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Smart Goals

After reflecting on the past I decided it is time to take action in preparation for the future.  I have been putting some thought into my goals for 2015.  I have numerous things I want to achieve; some have to happen this year, others are stepping stones laying the foundation for grander things.
I like to be SMART in goal setting.  As a nurse, the goals for my patients must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based each and every shift.  This keeps us accountable and focused.  Why shouldn't our goals model this concept?  They shouldn't. They must!  A primary reason resolutions fail is because they do not meet the SMART criteria.  They are too broad and too terrific; do not set your expectations so high: start small.
This coming year I have six items I’m honing in on: my business, barrel racing, fitness, nursing, helping others, and myself.  What am I going to do in each of these categories?  I’m glad you asked!
This fall I partnered with a wellness company, Isagenix, which allows me to help others get fit, feel fabulous, and become financially free.  Yes this is network marketing.  I see the vision of what network marketing has to offer and I want to live a free and happy life; free meaning I will no longer have an employer telling me when to be at work and what my salary cap is.  Free equates to spending time with those I love and doing the things I enjoy.  How will I attain this?  My goal is to be an executive in my company this time next year.
How will I get there?
How, how, how…. I ask a lot of how questions.  The answer is personal development.  Network marketing is a profession, I have to learn the skills and develop just as I did through nursing school, just as you did for your chosen occupation.  Every day I read, every day I watch/listen to videos and podcasts.  Every day I find someone to share the gift of health and freedom with.  Everything I do is building my platform to hit my goal: become an executive by December 2015.
Next on my list is something that saddens me but is a necessary evil.  I am in the process of selling my main barrel horse, Blu.  Ever since I was a little girl I have craved to be a professional ‘rider’, as I used to call it.  My horse, my friend, has taught me all he is capable of; it is time to share him with someone else.  My dream in the equine industry is to be a professional competitor of the WPRA (Women’s Professional Rodeo Association).  Blu does not come close to this caliber.
Occasionally to meet our goals we must make sacrifices.  I made the decision to say goodbye to my dear friend because he is no longer helping me grow: I am unmoving like stagnant water.  Yes, he has qualified me for world championships (including this coming April!!!) but he is not getting me closer to the professional level.  The surrendering of my dear Blu causes me pain, but it is a necessary evil.
Speaking of obligatory evils… Exercise!!!  I know the majority of humans make a resolution to lose x pounds, eat healthier, start exercising etc, etc…  This is not my goal (but I would love to help you meet your goal!!!).  My goal is to qualify for NPC nationals.  I am an athlete; I compete in the bikini division with NPC.  To achieve this goal I plan on attending at least four events to gain exposure and qualify.  In order to do this I must maintain my healthy diet (Isagenix) and exercise appropriately.  I would love to reach the professional level with my fitness as well but I know this is not a realistic expectation currently.
To hit my target of four shows this year I need to increase my income, hence reaching executive in my company; I also want to increase worth to my current employer.  How will I do this?  Personal development!!!   Every day we are given the chance to improve ourselves, take it.
My last two objectives for the year are intertwined: motivating others and staying true to myself.  Every day I am blessed with the opportunity to help others.  As a nurse, I am there when you are the most vulnerable and that is ok,  things happen; it’s my job to see you get back to your baseline and to teach you ways to prevent x from happening again.  I am there for you.  As an entrepreneur and health nut I want others to be the healthiest they can be, I implore you to seek knowledge and ask how.
If I can be the motivation someone needs to start a new chapter in their life then tell me how I can help.  I am here to inspire and support you.
All of the above encompasses me, Rebecca.  2014 taught me to stand on my own two feet, to fight for my values, to follow my dreams.  I made rash decisions and procrastinated on others but it got me here typing this blog.  Yes, there are things I would change simply to get the result quicker but it would not change the inevitable.
What are your goals?  What are you doing to reach them?  Are they SMART?  Please comment and share!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Year In Review: 2014

As the New Year swiftly approaches, I find myself reflecting over the past twelve months.   Were my previous goals attained?  Why am I in ‘this’ situation?  What could I have done differently?  The questions I ask myself go on and on, but they have value and depth.  These are the question I need to be asking to attain results for what lies ahead.

I ponder what went right this year, what went wrong.  This year I am doing this in a meticulous fashion, starting at day one, January 1, 2014.  I was not where I wanted to be in several aspects of life but it was a necessity; I was finishing my last semester of nursing school, financially unstable, mentally and emotionally drained (due to schooling and relationship stress), and losing myself in the mix with lack of free time.  As the year progressed things changed, my role changed in many aspects allowing me to bloom mentally, physically, and independently.  Did this happen for you?  If so, fantastic!  If not, why not? 

As human beings we constantly ask why; why, why, why.  We seek knowledge for knowledge is power; but then we fail.  We gain the knowledge and insight into ‘why’ these setbacks occur but we do not act upon them.  It is our choice to change the outcome; it is our choice to change ourselves.  I asked why; I asked myself daily why I was doing what I was doing and if it was taking me where I wanted to be in life.  The answer is partial.  In some aspects I was succeeding because I was finishing school, I am now an RN.  But I am not happy with this, I am not content here.  I did not envision my year going as it has….  I terminated a relationship with someone very precious to me, but in doing so I have met incredible people and had opportunities I would have not previously had.  My choices also led me to partner with a wellness company; I now have my own business which allows me to help people (I will talk about this goal/opportunity a different day).

Those who prospered this year embraced the setbacks for what they were, an opportunity.  Thus, the difference between succeeding and failing: mentality.  As children, we are taught to look at the glass as half full; optimism is hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.  When a obstacle arises we lose sight of the successful outcome, it is now that we must re-frame our mindset to regain strength and continue on.  Now is the time to review the goals you have set before you. Are they still attainable?  Were they ever?  Remain optimistic throughout the setbacks and you will succeed.  It is your choice how you view the glass.    

What could you have done differently to redirect yourself these past twelve months?  Are you happy?  Are you financially stable?  Are you healthy?  Do you have a plan?  These are the questions you need to be asking as the year approaches an end.  Why did events occur and others not?  Everything that happens is based upon choice.  We either chose to act or we don’t; for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  I implore you to take action now; you have eleven days to make an attainable resolution.    Please share your success or failures, leave a comment, and share my blog.